Thursday, May 19, 2005


Oh yes.

And I'm eternally indebted to the fine folks at Virgin for upgrading my broadband connection from 512Kbps to 1Mbps. Good work fella!


I've been very quiet of late. I know this.

I've been doing something even more fun than simply writing code. Writing code for money!

Yes. I've been in my job for a couple of months, now, and it's really good fun. Okay, sometimes it's not, but then most of the time it is.

I sadi a while ago that it was really useful having a second person in the background telling you where your application sucks, or at the very ;east not where it sucks, but what would make it even cooler.

Well now I have a whole squad of them. The upshot of it is that although I'm not reading so much, I am teaching myself lots of quite cool things. There are a couple of reasons why I haven't been frantically blogging about them:

  1. It's nothing particularly new
  2. It's not neccessarily .NET focused (I've been doing a bit of JavaScript, bit of network type stuff and so on...)
  3. It's not that interesting (I mean, who really wants to know about freezing table headings a la Excel?

So I've been quiet. There are stil a whole bunch of things I'm planning on doing in th enot too distant future, though:
  1. Get a wireless Router
  2. Get a New suit
  3. Start writing my software Magnum Opus
  4. lPut together a code library to help me write stuff after my software Magnum Opus
  5. Get a proper host
  6. Register my very own domain name
  7. Some other crap, I'm sure.

But what I've noticed is that now I write code for a living, rather than wanting to do less for fun, I actually want to do more for fun.

So that's where I've been. I've got a whole host of not-quite-so-new ASP.NET stuff to write about, couple of false starts, and an entire code demo in the making, which'll be along shortly.

Anyway. Just wanted to share.

Friday, May 13, 2005

Yes yes yes

Yes quiet. Yes more soon. Yes yes yes.

I don't care, though. The Hoff is on telly tonight.

If I was going to turn, I'd turn for him.

Just wanted to share.